Documents and Files

Use the "spin down" indicator in the left column to expand the tree items to view sub-categories and files. You will only see items listed for which you have permissions to download.

Download Categories
This includes files that did not specify a download category.
Document and Files that are archived but available to members
Banquet Programs
Club Logos
Critique And Competition Rules
New Member Packet
Contains information about the TCCC website and information about photography for new club members
Program Brochure/Membership Application
Rainbow Competition
Submitting Images To A Competition
Includes written tutorial on how to submit images to a competition; and Powerpoint slides on submitting images. You can also access web's Help Section for for a video how-to.
TCCC Board Meeting Minutes
Approved minutes from TCCC Board Meetings
Tutorials on various subjects by various presenters
Useful Articles
Useful articles and how-to steps for photography

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